Best Adult Shop Sydney

What Best Adult Stores Stock

Stock Range In The Best Adult Stores

The Best Adult Stores stock an amazing bondage range. Many of our staff are involved in the Fetlife community, and active in the BDSM community, and as such when it comes to BDSM products, they know what they like, what to stock, and how to get them. They are the largest supplier of Hells Couture, and also stock a variety of unique artisan pieces, both in leather and in surgical steel. Indeed the stock is the largest collection of stainless steel sex toys in Australia with a collection totaling more than a thousand unique, and individual pieces including their specialties penis plugs and male chastity devices.

When it comes to the BDSM community, The Best Adult Stores know their stuff, not only are they associated with Hellfire, but they have at least one staff member per store that’s in some way involved with the BDSM community. This isn’t necessarily by accident either, for example all the Oh Zone Staff each have their own specialties and are specifically trained in certain areas above all else. The Best Adult Stores likes to have sexperts that are both involved with a particular community, and are highly trained to cater towards that particularly community. What this means is that if you’re involved in a particular minority group, not only are you almost guaranteed to get a staff member that’s trained in that, but there’s also a chance that you’ll get a staff member that’s also involved in that community as well. Thereby increasing their ability to understand what you’re after. It’s one thing to know your products, it’s another thing to understand them both inside and out.

Best Adult Stores
BDSM fetish Best Adult Shop

They will stock a variety of leather pieces to tickle whatever BDSM fetish that you have. If you’re after impact play – you’ll find a decent collection of whips, paddles, crops and other tools to ensure that you’re getting the punishment (or dishing it out) that you both need and deserve. If you’re looking at Masks, then there’ll be a collection of hoods and masks in the stores, as well as a catalogue of things that they can get in. Everything from leather cockrings, to leather leashes, to hoods and masks, then they’re going to have it in stock. And that’s not all. When you’re looking for product knowledge in regards to both usage and care, they will have it. The thing is that a lot of people forget how to look after their leather products, and whilst our consultants love their customers, they don’t want to see them come back due to poor maintenance or an inferior product. So they pride themselves on taking care of the little aspects like that.

Display cabinets full of surgical steel toys are in all stores. Whilst specializing in Urethral Stimulators, cock cages. Urethral toys and sets, they also stock a wide selection in medical play as well. Urethral play is becoming a popular form of BDSM play and especially when it comes to toys like this they’re something that you actually want to come in, have a look at, as opposed to buying online. By seeing urethral toys in front of you, you can quickly, and easily determine exactly where it’s suitable or not, and as opposed to clicking between half a dozen pages (or more) you can accurately and quickly select several pieces from a shelf to more closely inspect side by side. As mentioned, photos can lie especially since the goal of a photo is to sell a product, as opposed to simply informing you about that particular product.

The Best Adult stores in Sydney does not need to specialize in specific fetishes (such as suspension, breathing play, vacuum devices, bondage furniture, cages etc). First there are other places that do that quite well, and secondly as much as we would simply love to stock everything, we simply cannot. There’s not an infinite amount of room, and that’s simply not the way to do business. A motto that they admire is;

‘if you cater to everyone you cater to no-one’

it’s an apt statement. The stores have a niche market in terms of providing a store for men, couples, women, Minority Groups and specialty products and intend to keep it like that unless our loyal customers tell us otherwise.

Oh Zone also have a large range of surgical steel items and these items range from medical fetish play, to steel cock rings, cock cages/chastity devices, steel stretchers, and nipple toys. The medical fetish items range from impact toys to test reflexes, tuning forks, warternberg wheels and of course speculums for vaginal and anal play. If you don’t know what these toys are, then it’s highly recommended that you come down to check them out. They’re unique and fun toys that are often neglected as people find them a bit too out there. But it is assuredly the case that their bark is worse than their bite.

The thing is, if you’re after bondage toys, Adultlifestyle Centres and it’s staff will be more than happy to help you out, and if you’ve managed to hit on a product that they do not have in stock, they’ll be more than happy to source it out for you and let you know if they can get it in and/or where to get it from. That’s one of the differences between a good adult store, and the best Adult Store and Oh Zone certainly hits that nail on the head.